- Overview
The fresh imagination of a young girl changes a grey city into a green city!
- Book Intro
(English) The Building Where Trees Grow
This book earned enormous love and interest from guests at an exhibition hosted by Hyundai Museum of Kid’s Books & Art, and was been selected for publishing support. The judges stated that the book reminded them of Gaudi, the architect, as it was very successful in building a "fantastic and solid alternative." Through the picture of a girl living in an apartment in the city and imagining "her own house," we can picture her changing a grey city into a green one. Through this book, readers have the opportunity to slowly reflect on the relationship between the nature and humans, and also the relationship between humans and architecture, while dreaming of a world where the nature and humans live together.
(Vietnamese) Tòa nhà nơi cây xanh lớn lên
Một đứa bé sống trong khu chung cư tại thành phố tưởng tượng và vẽ bức tranh "ngôi nhà của riêng em". Đứa bé đã xây nên một khu vui chơi với rất nhiều bông hoa lớn lên như một phép màu, một trung tâm nghiên cứu thực vật lan tỏa không khí trong lành, và một nhà kính khổng lồ nơi các loài động vật có thể sống vào mùa đông lạnh giá. Những tòa nhà đặc biệt và đô thị xanh mát được nhào nặn từ trí tưởng tượng mang đậm tính sinh thái đã đem đến một cảm giác vui vẻ đầy sảng khoái.
(Indonesian) Bangunan Tempat Tumbuhnya Pohon
Seorang anak yang tinggal di apartemen sebuah kota menggambar dan berimajinasi sambil membayangkan "rumahnya sendiri. Anak ini membuat kotanya sendiri dengan membangun misal rumah yang sangat besar dengan pemanas agar hewan-hewan dapat hidup selama musim dingin, lembaga penelitian tumbuhan yang menyemburkan udara yang jernih dan tempat bermain anak-anak yang bunganya tumbuh seperti sihir. Buku ini menghadirkan kegembiraan yang menyegarkan dari pemandangan kota yang hijau dan bangunan khusus yang bersinar dengan kekuatan imajinasi.
- About the Author
Yoon Kang-mi
(Indonesian) Dia merupakan lulusan jurusan lukisan. Ia sudah mengadakan beberapa kali pameran dan belajar membuat buku bergambar di berbagai workshop. Pada tahun 2018, ia terpilih sebagai penulis yang mendapat bantuan penerbitan melalui pemilihan suara dari para pengunjung pameran "Un-printed Ideas"dari Hyundai museum's of Kids Book and Art. Buku bergambar pertamanya adalah "Bangunan Tempat Tumbuh Pohon".
(English) Yoon Kang-mi (F) majored in Painting at university and studied picture books at a variety of workshops. She has participated in many exhibitions with her work. She was selected for support as an artist in a visitors’ vote at the first “Un-printed Ideas” exhibition hosted by the Hyundai Museum of Kids’ Books and Art in 2018. The Building Where Trees Grow is her first original picture book.
- Selection